Best Mobile Screen Background Transparent Trick

Best Mobile Screen Background Transparent Trick

Hello friends today in this article we are discussing about a new trick in your Android mobile if you want to apply or get a very awesome and very powerful transparent background live wallpaper in your Android mobile phone then definitely this trick is very awesome trick for you if you apply your mobile then really it’s look very different and very attractive. I think you know the transparent background facility is only for the very high budget Android mobile phones and smartphones for the Apple iPhones only but today I will show you in any normal Android mobile phone apply trick.

So this is the very interesting trick but you have to very carefully read all the instructions and follow all the process what I am telling you today in this article below very clearly step by step. But in anytime if you face any problem about the trick then definitely you can contact with me. My contact details is provided in my YouTube video so if you want to connect with us then you have to go in YouTube channel and then follow any video description the reading is provided they are here you have to click on the link then follow me on Instagram and then message me about related this topic if you face any problem in any situation.

So now what’s the process it’s the big question. first of all the process you have to download an application in your smartphone. The application is very small and very little size. Application link is provided below in the download button. so click on the download button first then download the application in your smartphone after that you have to follow all the steps what I am provided in this article below in the next paragraph following steps. Well I have provided all the important steps very clearly for you so you have to just carefully submit all the settings in your mobile phone.

Following Steps :-

  • Open the application in your mobile
  • now you can choose the transparent option also you can set the live wallpaper default.
  • after clicking on the transparent option you have to turn on the transparent live wallpaper background image.
  • now after the complete it’s done
  • now press back button in your mobile and boom yes it’s worked.
  • in future for any reason you want to stop the the process for the transparent background then you have to set any image for your wallpaper image background then the live wallpaper is automatically cancelled for your mobile.
