Hello friends, through this article today we will learn about such a file manager app of mobile which uses cloud based system and provides unlimited mobile storage by uploading any media files to its cloud server. Due to which your mobile storage never gets full, but whatever document you want to keep, you can upload it to the cloud server of this application.
This application is absolutely free of cost and this application is available on Play Store and is certified by Google, so that your data will be absolutely safe and protected and along with this this application uses Telegram cloud system, due to which your photo or video is uploaded to Telegram’s cloud server and you can see it again whenever you want.
So let us know today with the help of this article how you can use this great mobile application and get the benefit of unlimited storage while our mobile storage gets full again and again, then how can we get rid of this problem very easily by using cloud storage.
Contact :
If you face any kind of problem while activating this setting, then you can contact us by filling up the comment form given below this article, so that your problem will reach us directly and we can solve that problem as soon as possible and tell you.
Apart from this, you can contact us through email. If you are facing any problem in understanding any settings or any application, then we will definitely try to solve your problem and help you.
Or you can also fill the contact form given on our website and send it on which you can send your name and the type of settings you are facing problem in activating or using any application or if you want to get any mobile related information, then you can talk to us and send it and we will try to help you.
Process :
So let’s talk now about how you can make your mobile storage unlimited by using cloud storage, that is, how you can upload all your media files or documents on the cloud server and free up your mobile storage as much as possible.
As you know, there are many cloud server providers already available. First comes Google’s cloud storage i.e. Google Drive and apart from this, there are many other cloud service providers available on the internet which you can see only after searching on the Play Store.
But today we will talk about an application that provides cloud based storage using the cloud server of the Telegram app and provides a good and easy interface so that you can easily upload any of your media files and save some mobile storage.
First of all, you have to download this app from your Play Store by clicking on the download button given below and after opening it, give some permission which is required so that you can easily upload your photo video here.
After that, by tapping on the plus icon, you can select any file you want to upload from your gallery or storage, such as a photo or video or document, and upload it here.
But first of all you have to login to this application by giving your mobile number so that that mobile number gets connected with your Telegram account and can upload your data using Telegram’s cloud server.
If you are facing any kind of dilemma, then you must contact us and you can install this application by clicking on the download button given below.
I hope through this setting your mobile storage problem would have been solved, if you want to know about any other kind of mobile settings, then please tell us.